Sunday, February 25, 2007


So the Firefly fanfic (wow, I just typed that as Firefy fanflic, which takes Nathan Fillion's "Firefy flan" to a yet another level) is finished at four pages. It also has a truly horrifying name - What You Expect And What You Need. Yes, the naming fairy deserted me in my hour of need. I do apologize.

I put it up on just for the sake of doing something with it. I'm a bit restless lately, and I can't say I'm really feeling to leave my writing lying around gathering virtual dust on my harddrive. So if you're feeling bored, go to and have a bit of a read. Just don't click that link if you find homosexuality in any way offensive. (For the initiated - yes, it's slash.)

Started another one a little while ago, and have finished the first chapter of it so far. It could stand on its own or be a sort of sequel to What You Expect. I just hope I won't run out of steam before it's done. And yes, it's very likely that it will be slashy as well.

And in case anyone's been having doubts: I'm bisexual. No, not really even bisexual. Omnisexual. Genderqueer. Whatever. I don't see the need of a label to define me, nor do I see the need for gender to figure into my romantic relationships. So there.

And just to clarify as I trot off to sleep - Joss Whedon is a god. No, not a god. The god. I admire this man to the point of sheer idol-worship. Not only does he not mind fanfiction about his creations, but he encourages it. Not only does he not mind slash, but hell, he incorporates it into his shows. For example...

Spike: Angel and me were never intimate. Except that one -

Yes? Except that one what? Indeed.

"They couldn't take the sky from them, our big damn heroes made a film..."


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