Wednesday, December 07, 2005

School blues

Yes, I went to school with a broken rib and a torn muscle - definitely not the most brilliant thing I've ever done. And I sat in an auditorium full of shrieking girls and watched boys in baggy clothes and too much jewelry breakdance on stage. Christ, you'd swear the ninnies had never seen males before.
Okay, so it is a single-sex school and we have no male teachers. But for the love of God, there's a single-sex school - of the opposite sex, mind you - right next door.
Yet still...boys enter the compound and miraculously shirts start unbuttoning, skirts start hiking up and socks sink down into sneakers to expose bony ankles. Presbyterian schoolgirl uniforms suddenly being transformed into every guy's erotic fantasy at the faintest whiff of wonder they won't bring a man on staff.
We're isolated, shut away on a hill, trapped behind barbed-wire fences and iron gates. And teachers kick up a hell of a fuss if they catch you in the mall with a guy - on a Saturday, just sitting, talking, drinking coffee. I guess we're supposed to be lesbians, hmm? Far less if they catch you smoking (anywhere, even on a weekend): well, they'll call in your parents and offer to transfer you somewhere else if you don't want to abide by their rules.
Been there, done that. Thank God this shit is going to be over in June.
I cannot wait to get out of this place.


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